FAQ's & Facts


Why should I catch rain?

Because you can be part of the solution to the local and global problem of water shortage. Every home and building has the potential to catch rain and not waste it by letting it go down the drain.

How much can I collect and will it make a difference?

Roof sizes vary but a simple formula applies.

For every square metre of roof and every 1mm of rain that falls you catch 1 litre of water. Considering an average home of 150 square metres, with Hobart's annual rainfall of 569mm, the amount of rain that is wasted is a staggering 85,350 litres.

This equates to;

5,700 shower minutes.

610 baths.

5,690 sprinkler minutes.

7,000 toilet flushes. 

So YES you can make a huge difference. Spread the word, encourage your friends and neighbours to catch rain too.   


What size tank do I need?

This depends on what you want to use it for but generally the biggest you can fit or afford.


What can I use my rain water for?

ANYTHING you wish. How about the lawn and garden, washing the car or even the dog. You can have it plumbed into the house for drinking. Use it to flush the toilet or filling the washing machine. Then there is the all important issue of fire fighting. We will work with you to design a raincatching system specifically for your needs.


Copyright © Raincatchers Howden, Tasmania 